Why A Lead Paint Inspection?
The purpose of a Lead Paint Inspection is to determine the presence of Lead Based Paint.
Lead Based Paint Inspection Services

All Lead-Based Paint Inspection Services are performed by our highly qualified, experienced California Department of Health (CDPH), and EPA Certified Lead Inspector/Risk Assessors. Environmental Lead Detect Inc. utilizes state-of-the-art-practices, equipment, and techniques in accordance with all regulatory standards while performing lead-based paint inspections. The method employed for lead-based paint inspections is X-ray fluorescence (XRF) using a Radiation Monitoring Device Lead Paint Analyzer (RMD LPA-1). This is a non-destructive, non-evasive means of testing. No need to take paint chips! Any soil, dust, and water samples are analyzed for lead content by an approved laboratory.

Lead-Based Paint Clearance Inspections take place at the completion of all lead-related work. Clearance Inspections ensure that the lead abatement work was completed per the scope of work and that proper cleanup/disposal methods were followed. After visually assessing the abatement work, dust and/or soil samples will be taken in appropriate areas to verify the cleaning process. The Lead Clearance Inspection will be performed by one of Environmental Lead Detect Inc.’s CDPH, and EPA Certified/ Lead Inspector/Risk Assessors.

Inspection Process
A Lead Inspection is conducted using an XRF instrument, which is a portable hand-held x-ray machine. The instrument is capable of reading through multiple layers of paint as deep as 3/8 inch. It is a non-destructive testing process.
The inspection includes readings on each interior wall, ceiling, painted or varnished flooring, and one of each wood trim component in each room. The exterior of the home is also tested, taking readings on each exterior wall and one of each of the different wood trim components, being sure to test each substrate, “stucco, wood, concrete, etc.
There is an LED readout on the instrument, making it possible for the operator to give a verbal answer on the spot. A computer-generated, printed report, will be emailed on the same day as the inspection. The report will indicate each reading, its location, and the amount of lead present, if any.
Most people, homebuyers, and property owners, simply want to know if lead paint is present. This is important, for example, if a property needs to be repaired, remodeled, or simply repainted. If lead paint is present, its location can be identified, and it can be handled in a safe and timely manner. Many children and some adults are accidentally lead poisoned during or shortly after a repainting or remodeling project. This can happen when a contractor or homeowner begins repairs without the knowledge of the presence of lead paint.